I seem to be making lots of future plans and telling them to you, my sweet readers... and none of it seems to be coming to fruition.
My plan was to photograph my office on Monday. It was beautiful outside and that mean glorious sun shining through my window. I got my wonderful and most amazing camera out to start photographing and realized very quickly it was not working. ugh. That made for a VERY sad afternoon.
If you know me at all, you know that camera is with me at all times... attached to my body... kind of like my children. ha.
As of now, my beloved lens is on its way to the service center.
Which means you will get to see my amazing new office space and all other projects, as soon as my beloved camera makes its way back to me. :)
In other news, the back-to-school rush (insert: my husband is the pastor of a collegiate church plant) that I feel every semester is almost past which means all those unfinished projects should be finished soon. At least I am hoping anyway. haha.
The one picture I got before the camera completely malfunctioned... this is what the floor typically looks like: completely covered with toys.

I kind of love it though.
Sorry about your lens. I like how your floor looks like mine, only you made it seem somehow artsy. Haha. Maybe I just need to start looking at things from the floor level.