Goals for April
What are your goals for April?
I am currently sitting in paradise thanks to a mini vacation with the family.
I am thinking and planning the next few weeks trying to make the most of my time before baby Adelee arrives. I hope to have a March goals re-cap post up later this week along with some pictures from my amazing weekend in Charleston!

Free Printable for You!
I created a little monthly goal printable for you as well (just click on
the below image, save to your computer and print!). I left blanks for
you to fill in four areas/roles in your own life. Use the space below
the blanks to list out a few actionable goals you would like to pursue
this month in each area of your life. It's in a 5x7 layout so you could
easily print it out, frame it and then place it somewhere that you would
see it daily. This way you are easily being reminded of your goals
through this next month.
I would love to hear about your goals for April and to see how you use your monthly printable!
Thank you for the monthly reminders to challenge and grow myself. You are amazing friend.