{Father's Day Cards}
Adorable... in it's own manly way, don't you think?
Hot Dogs with Chili, Chicken Salad (for those who may not be too excited about hot dogs,) French Fries, Chips, and Fruit Salad
Lemonade, Water, 100% juice Capri Suns.
For dessert, I made the vanilla cake with vanilla frosting pictured above and served vanilla fudge ripple ice cream as well.
1. Eat & play.
2. “Make your own sweet scooter” as see from this post. We used mini Oreos, Vienna Fingers, mini pretzel rods, mini pretzel sticks, and icing as the glue. (Beware to get a thick icing... my homemade icing was too thin and the 'handlebars' kept falling down.)
3. We decorated everyone's bikes and scooters with ribbon, streamers, and balloons. Then we all went on a “Birthday Parade” through the neighborhood to the pool.
Squirt guns to use later at the pool!
. . .
The party was an absolute blast! The kids had so much fun, especially the birthday boy! Huge success.
Thank you so much Hostess With the Mostess for the great idea!