Super excited about this project!

Just a little peek into the way I work:

Note the lists upon lists. I am super forgetful by nature, thus the multiple lists. (I carry this amazing planner with me everywhere. *Little secret, I always buy my planner a day or so after Christmas when they are 50% off.)
I wear many hats... I am a wife, mother, church graphic designer, business owner/designer... The way I manage (I use that term loosely) all of those roles? I schedule out my days (morning playtime with Drew, cleaning/laundry in the mornings, etc.) and assign myself different tasks for different days - note the mini calendar paper clipped to the top of the planner. As for my personal design work I have a 'Weekly Task List.' I start a new list each week updating the clients and tasks needed to complete for each client. At the top of the 'Weekly Task List' is a small list of the things I should be doing weekly to maintain my business (i.e. updating my shop with new products, blogging regularly, researching/designing new products, etc.)... 'should be' is the key word.
I am learning though, that more important than lists and schedules, is flexibility and correct priorities when it comes to balancing so many roles. My goal with the schedule and the list taking is not to live this crazy rigid life where I am never available to meet with a friend or have a playdate, but to eliminate stress.... because if I am stressed then so is my husband... and really, he has enough to worry about without me freaking out about my printer not working or that the post office is closed.
I hope this was helpful. I would love to hear from you about how you balance all that you do!
Do you have any other questions for me about this sort of thing? I am by no means a master but I have spent the last year working on this very thing pretty much daily... so I may have a few ideas to help you! ;)
Very organized looking. I make a lot of lists too; my brain feels so scattered sometimes! I can forget things even when they're written down--it was never like that before kids. It's funny to me that I rely more on lists and planners now (as a full-time mom) than I did when I was an employee. The challenges for me now are 1) to prioritize correctly (kids vs. church stuff, for instance); and 2) being diligent to work on the less urgent items when I have 'free time' instead of just zoning out with a magazine or the internet or something.