{March In Review}
+ Continued Bible Reading - Currently in Acts, Psalms & Deuteronomy
+ Trained (& Conquered) 10k Race
+ Photobooks - Nope. I REALLY want these done before baby arrives in May.
+ Relax - Yes. As much as I can. I think this is a learned trait...
+ Daily Prayer Time WITH Aaron & Intentional Quiet Time Together - hmmm... there were many weeks in the month of March where we literally had an event or activity we had to be at every night of the week. This made that intentional quiet time together rather difficult. Need to figure out a better plan for this....
+ Daily Prayer FOR Aaron - Yes. Currently reading through A Praying Life and asking God to teach me what daily intentional prayer looks like...
+ Intentional Play Time
- This is getting better. And since Drew had spring break this month it forced me to plan an entire week of play time. I decided that I would much rather clean their room than be still and 'just play' with them in their room. So, in recognizing that I am asking God to help me be more fun and creative in my time with them.
+ Daily Prayer FOR little ones - Yes. Always.
+ Plan Intentional Play Time - This is getting better... like planning morning of which is still better than not being intentional at all. Really hoping to get a grasp of this in April. :) Aaron has a small group bible study once a week and we call those nights, Mommy Date Nights. I have finally found a fun routine that works great for those nights and I am counting that as a success for this 'planning intentional time' goal.

Mommy Date Nights Include:
Dinner - typically something simple & quick at home like soup & grilled cheese = easy and stress-free clean up
Dessert - Ice Cream Sundaes (really just ice cream and sprinkles!)
Movie - We are currently on a Curious George kick. They are fun and silly but still short enough to make our 8pm bed time.
Bath time - They LOVE playing in the bath tub.
Bed time - Jesus Storybook Bible + Prayer time
I use the time after they lay down to pick up the house, finish up any laundry from the weekend and potentially do a little cleaning (depending on how exhausted I feel.)
I do really like this routine. I feel like I have control over the evening but we still have fun together.
+ Begin Website/Blog Transformation. Nope. It was on the list every.single.day. and it just did not happen. Maybe April?
+ Begin New Designs For All Collections - Yessss!
I worked VERY hard on this over the course of the month. All
inspiration boards have been created for each collection. The
inspiration boards include fonts, color palettes, image inspiration,
etc. that I will use for the collections. This was especially tedious for the AadenSage and Inspired Collections because they both include scripture that needed to be compiled. But even that part is done! The Everyday Collection is
even complete on the design front. Now to just finish all the additional
aspects that have to take place before I can show them to the world.
Hopefully your March was super amazing and your April is off to a great start!
Excited to make big things happen this month!
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