{April in Review}

+ daily Bible reading - sort of. I am currently about a week behind...
+ exercise 4x a week - yes.
+ work on photobooks & albums - NO. This just seems so daunting and I keep putting it off... does anyone have a good method for documenting their life that is not so time consuming?!
+ finish baby Adelee’s room - nope. I did work on it but there are a few little things I still need to finish.
+ relax - yes! (which is why I guess the last two had no's.... :))
Wife & Mom
I pursued all the goals that I had made for these specific areas of my life but I decided I needed something a bit more tangible so I could actually measure the goals. Excited to prayerfully work towards the goals I set for May!
+ blog 4x a week - yes! (pretty much, only shy one or two posts!)
+ begin website transformation - No. Again... so daunting and seemingly less urgent so every day it gets pushed to the following day's to-do list.
+ new designs - Slow and steady wins the race... right? Hopefully in this case that is true. I am diligently working on these collections but it is just taking a bit longer than I anticipated. I want/NEED them finished before baby comes. So the goals for the month of May have been entitled the 'Crazy List.' I will share it with you should I actually finish anything on the list. ha.
{April in Pictures}
I helped to throw a pretty great Easter party!
(Details & recipe in this post!)
I spent a lot of time loving on these sweet faces.
We did some more t-balling. I think the parents get more joy out of it than the little ones since we spend the majority of the time laughing. (And when I say parents I really mean moms... because the dads are all too busy struggling with the fact that their little ones are, at this point, not showing any signs of being all-star athletes. :)
A sneak preview to the AadenSage collection. So near to my heart.
So long April. You flew by and I honestly have no idea where some of your days went...
What I learned most this month is that beyond tasks and tangible goals, my biggest pursuit is to intentionally love those around me and to serve God with all of my might. Those goals cannot be measured by a checklist but by a heart that is being changed daily. I fail often but am trusting "and I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6