Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Christmas Cards!
Photo Cards
New Features!
All designs now feature a backer option.
You can choose the existing coordinating design for the back
or submit a special (more detailed) message to be included on the back at no extra charge.
All printed orders also include matching envelopes (either red or white)
and coordinating wrap address labels with your return address included.
Again, no extra charge! It's included.
Folded Greeting Cards
I love this little collection and I hope you do too.
All the cards are now in the shop and ready for you to purchase!
Be on the lookout later this week for a Holiday Card Giveaway!
Friday, October 21, 2011
A Little Update
The past few weeks have been a bit of a whirl wind. Aaron and I found out we were pregnant a couple weeks ago which subsequently threw me into the very typical nausea and complete exhaustion that I experience with every pregnancy (although the nausea has been less. girl? maybe??) I have tried (with lots of prayer) to tackle the to-do lists that come along with this business as well as protecting and esteeming my top priorities (husband and little guys). Let's just say things were barely getting crossed off the list, the house was a wreck, I haven't felt like cooking in weeks, the laundry was piling up and the way I really wanted to spend my day was to simply lay on the couch. Add to that my typical first trimester hormonal irritability with life in general... I must admit I feel a little sorry for anyone who has crossed my path over the past few weeks. Sorry husband, kids and friends... I do really love you.
So on Tuesday, my to-do list was a mile long in preparation to launch my Holiday Collection as well as the preparation for our long trip to Virginia which we were leaving for on Thursday. And then we were stopped dead in our tracks when I had just a bit of spotting on Tuesday afternoon. We suffered a miscarriage before our oldest son Andrew and the symptoms were the same. We panicked and everything else that was seemingly so important before now faded away. It's funny how a scare like that reminds you very quickly what is really important.
Our very busy doctor was graciously able to get us an appointment the following day. I spent Tuesday in bed not thinking about anything but this little life. Praying God's will to be done and the grace to be able to handle the outcome. Surprisingly I spent the afternoon with a familiar sense of peace. I have experienced this peace before... the kind that goes beyond understanding. I slept well that night but every time I woke up my husband was awake and praying... on his knees before our Lord, begging God for the life of our baby. I am thankful for so many who took that burden for me on Tuesday night. This is not the first time I have experienced peace at the expense of someone else bearing my pain.
On Wednesday morning, we were taken back to the ultrasound room where I completely lost it. Up until this point I had held such composure, but when I say the technician I immediately felt sorry for her... what if she had to tell us bad news. I thought to myself, 'what a horrible job she has.' We had assumed the worst and had begun preparing ourselves for what that would look like. When you have suffered in the ways that we have, it is the natural response. However, no matter the natural response our spirit steadfastly reminds us God is faithful... no matter the outcome. We trust God's Word when it says "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Not coincidentally, Aaron was studying out that passage Tuesday morning before this scare occurred. We trust that although there is suffering and pain and no matter how painful the outcome may be, it works together for our good. To make us more like Christ. To bring Him glory.
However, on this day God answered our prayers in the way that we were hoping. We had prayed for a miracle. We begged our brothers and sisters to beg God on our behalf. And they did. What a blessing that God allows us to be a part of His workings. "... The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." says James 5:16
Praise God, we heard our little baby's heart beat and was assured of his/her little life. We are beyond excited (and mentally/physically/emotionally exhausted too)... and just to make you laugh, imagine my husband in the waiting room at the doctor's office after we heard the good news, singing at the top of his lungs to Black Eyed Peas 'I've Got a Feeling.' I might have had to ask him to stop. haha. He was just so giddy. :)

Needless to say through this week's craziness the Holiday Collection debut was put on hold (although it will be debuting very shortly) as well as a handful of other projects with wonderful clients who will be waiting for just a few more days. Thank you for your patience and graciousness with me. I do have the best clients and readers in the entire world!
Lots of love,
p.s. My husband wrote a wonderful post on this very same topic (with a little more detail and some funny pictures that will make you laugh.)
Friday, October 14, 2011
Weekend Projects
I am hosting a women's retreat this weekend. Insert 40 women in my house. Eek. So there will not be a lot of DIY projects happening around here. Instead, I will be cultivating amazing friendships as we dive into God's Word together, spend time in prayer and of course eat really great food. That is the true Aletheia way... food. ha.
Having that many women in my house did get me thinking about seating a little bit and I remembered this image I had pinned awhile back. What a sweet idea if you are always playing hostess. Spray paint aluminum folding chairs = instant cuteness.
And this little adorableness... since I am pregnant (again! baby #4) there is a teeny little part of me that is hoping for a girl. I do doubt the possibility of that since we have 3 boys but one can hope right? If God does decide to bless us with a little girl I will be making this amazing little kitchen for her... probably before she is even out of the womb. :)
Over the past month or so I have been working on a different kind of design project that is still a little bit shy of complete (which explains why I haven't shared the end result yet.) One of the projects I have to still complete is something along the lines of the below DIY project. The end result is stunning (and now I want one myself!)
A few great things from around the web:
+ My sweet friend announced the gender of their baby via hidden code in this blog post. So clever! Can you decipher the results?! Eeeee! So excited!
+ Another really amazing friend (i.e. she is my new workout buddy at 6am on Tues & Thurs. That definitely qualifies as more than an amazing friend!) started a Healthy Train. Follow her progress, advice and insight here. So proud of you Sarah Beth!
+ A beautiful post by the beautiful Emily Ley.
+ A new and very dear friend who just so happens to be an amazing and inspiring artist launched her new brand this week. Check out her brand new website & blog. Congratulations Courtney! I love you and am so blessed by you.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Special Fall Wedding Invitation
A couple months ago I had the privilege and joy of working on wedding stationery for my sweet brother and his fiance Danielle. They are getting married next weekend! Yayyy! I am so excited for about a million reasons (here are a few): 1. to see my brother get married to his love 2. to see family I miss so much, 3. to see friends that I miss so much too, and 4. to have such a wonderful excuse to head to Virginia during the most beautiful time of the year. The wedding ceremony and reception have the most wonderful little details that I cannot wait to share with you after the wedding.
Wedding Invitation & Response Card

Isn't this little suite just lovely?
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Recipe: Salsa Verde
My sweet friend Jenny Gumbert gave me this recipe and she got it from her mother and she probably got it from her mother... right Jenny? It is amazing! And as you can see by the below photograph I have made this recipe so many times the paper is beginning to wear and the writing is smudged off in places.
Jenny's original recipe is for her amazing Green Enchiladas which I do make, but I love the salsa so much that I will just make that and we eat it with tortilla chips. One night last week my dinner was chips & salsa verde. No kidding.
- tomatillos (about 10)
- jalapenos (1-2 optional spice)
- chicken bouillon (2 cubes)
- 1 garlic clove
- 1 medium onion
- Boil tomatillos, jalapenos and onion until tender.
- Drain water.
- Add chicken bouillons and garlic (and a pinch or two of salt if desired).
- Place all ingredients in blender and blend.
- Pour in cute little bowl and serve with your favorite tortilla chips.
Let me know if you try it!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Weekend Wardrobe: Trendy & Sophisticated
A cropped black blazer, white tee, skinny jeans, black slouchy boots and a couple accessories = trendy & sophisticated.
What do you think? Would you wear this outfit?
Thursday, October 6, 2011
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