Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mexico Inspiration Day 2

Well... I really want to show you my new studio/office space but this Florida rain is causing some lighting issues. So, we will have to postpone that for another day. Maybe tomorrow the sun will be pouring in...

As promised, here are a few more images from my trip to Mexico. I found so much inspiration... I can't wait to put it to use.

I love this. The colors in Mexico are AMAZING.
I actually asked Aaron to stop the car and jumped out so I could take this picture.
I am positive that the people in the car thought I was crazy.


  1. i 100% LOOOOVE that last photo. man, what a perfect photo-opp. glad you took the time to snap it. one day, (if my life is ever together after moving) I might find a place for that photo in my home if you don't mind.haha :)

  2. Erica - You can surely have a copy of that photograph. I am glad you love it!

  3. I can't wait to see what you will do with those flowers. It will be so beautiful!



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