Friday, June 29, 2012

Adelee is One (Month!)

We celebrate in this family. We celebrate even the smallest of milestones and the most seemingly of mundane moments. We celebrate because each day and experience truly is a gift.

As a parent it is easy to wish away those sleepless nights and the first few days of sheer confusion when you wonder if this is what the rest of your life will be like. :) However, after losing Aaden, even the difficulty of sleepless nights and unending crying are beautiful... because it means you have a baby in your arms to love and care for. We know first hand just how fragile life can be so we choose to enjoy and celebrate each and every milestone.

So, happy one month baby girl!

p.s. We are trusting that you will 'heart' daddy soon too. I think his beard is just a bit too prickly for you to be able to enjoy all the millions of kisses he smothers you with on a daily basis.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day.

I am thankful for the ways you love our boys and now our little lady too. I am thankful that you love Jesus and that you teach them about Him every day. Thank you for building endless amounts of leggo creations, for wrestling and playing splash-down (even though I hate it. :)) for making spontaneous Cherry Berry dates and for loving daddy-date-night so much. Thank you for getting the boys ready for bed every night and for ending each day with a Bible story and prayer time. Thank you for disciplining in love and for teaching them how to do life. Thank you for teaching them how to love their mommy and sister and how to one day love a wife and be a daddy. You are amazing and I thank God for you every single day.

The first picture above was created by simply printing out the letters to spell 'We Love You' then cutting them down to their individual letters and adhering a length of twine to the letters to create a cute garland with a special message. Then I took a picture, printed and framed it. 

We sent the photo to all the grandpa's to let them know how loved they are on this sweet holiday.
We wouldn't be the people, spouses, or parents we are today without their love and guidance.
I hope they know how much they are loved by us. 

The second set of photos I created for Aaron. I printed out the letters 'D' and 'A', framed them and took a photo of each little one with a letter to spell out 'Dad.' I placed the photos in a floating frame to create quite the little masterpiece that daddy will cherish forever. I'm thinking this would be super cute to recreate each year as the little ones grow....
A few comical outtakes. These boys crack me up. 
If only I would have recorded their conversation too.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Andrew!

Happy Birthday sweet boy.
What a year it has been.

You started preschool.
Mommy cried your first day and as I drove away I called your daddy to let him know that you would not be staying there. I just couldn't imagine you spending your days with anyone but me. Daddy lovingly and very patiently said, 'well, let's at least give it a week.' Of course we did and of course you did great and of course your teachers were amazing.
You made great friends and learned so much.
I am grateful for your sweet little preschool and how they loved you this past year.

As a family we faced some pretty big stuff this year and as always you handled all the transition and confusion like such a big boy.

You became a big brother again and you are quite enamored with your little sister. Asking for her first thing every morning and getting irritated with me when I don't tend to her right away when she's crying. You are quite the little leader in our home as Asher watches every move you make and loves to follow your example.

And the biggest, most important and amazing event of this past year was that you became a Christian! You told daddy that you loved Jesus with your whole heart and that you wanted Him to be the boss of your life. And on January 23rd you prayed with daddy in the parking lot of your preschool to ask Jesus to live in your heart forever. 

My prayer is that you never know a day that you did not love Jesus,
that He grows you into a leader among leaders,
that you will one day love your wife and children well, pointing them to Jesus, 
and that He will change the world through you. 

Love you Andrew David Proffitt. 
You are an unbelievable blessing to your daddy and me (and so many others!)

p.s. As a new birthday tradition, each year we will be asking you the same set of 20 questions. We got a big laugh out of your answers this year and I am sure we will get some big laughs in the future too!

20 Questions Idea inspired by Reaves, Party of 4

Friday, June 15, 2012

Welcome Baby Adelee!

A little over two weeks ago God blessed our family with an unbelievable gift. 

Adelee Elizabeth Proffitt was born at 8:41pm on Tuesday, May 29, 2012. Her entry into the world was amazing and was marked by mommy and daddy laughing, crying and high-fiving... in big moments we tend to get really excited, thus the high-fives.

After months of praying and preparing for her arrival I never anticipated my heart could love another little one as much I love her. She has my heart.

My prayer for her is that God would grab her heart as a little child, that she would never know a day of not loving Jesus, that she would have the sweetest heart and spirit, that she would feel and display genuine compassion for others, that she would love and respect her brothers, that she would adore her daddy and think him her hero, and I pray that her and I will be the best of friends.

In her two short weeks of life I have learned so much about my sweet little gift, Adelee:
• She is a bit dramatic, just like her mommy, daddy and brothers
• But her cry instantly stops when mommy whispers in her ear
• She has the most amazing little pouty lips
• And the sweetest, most cutest nose (that is identical to her brothers)
• And the longest fingers and toes
• She wants to see what's going on already, preferring to be up on my shoulder rather than cradled in my arms
• She is so very loved by her big brothers who ask for her first thing every morning
• And she is so very loved by her daddy who gives her about a million kisses throughout the day

We are enamored with our sweet gift and are praising God for her.


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